Aventura, Florida Accident Lawyers

The Aventura, Florida accident lawyer at Madalon Law works closely with individuals who have been hurt in car accidents, truck accidents, slip and fall accidents, premises liability accidents, medical malpractice accidents, and more to help them seek compensation and damages for their injuries. A serious accident can leave you disabled, unable to return to work, facing a long course of rehabilitation, and can leave families struggling pay unexpected medical expenses and bills.

If you or someone you love was hurt in Aventura, Florida, the injury lawyer at Madalon Law may be able to help you. Our Aventura, Florida accident lawyer can review the details of your case, identify negligent parties, estimate the value of your claim, and negotiate with insurance adjusters and negligent parties to help you get the settlement you may deserve under the law. If you’ve been hurt in Aventura, you may only have a limited time to make a claim under the law. Madalon Law is an accident lawyer in Aventura, Florida that works with victims and their families to help them seek the damages they may deserve.

Common Causes of Accidents in Aventura, Florida

Aventura, Florida is known for its luxury resorts, ocean recreation activities, and for Aventura Mall, the third largest shopping mall in the country. There are many things to do in Aventura, but along with the range of activities comes the risk of death or injury. Ocean recreational activities come with the risk of boating accidents, boat crashes, and drowning. Aventura has many malls and businesses, but when malls and businesses open their doors, they have a responsibility to maintain their premises and to warn the public about risks and hazards. Luxury resorts and vacation rentals might offer a way to get away from it all, but when you have pools and decks, there is the combined risk of slip and fall injuries and drownings, especially if pools aren’t properly secured. Aventura is known for its lively nightlife and leisure scene, but with drinking and bars can come the risk of fights and injuries. Bar owners often hire security companies to oversee patrons, but sometimes security companies are negligent, or fail to take steps to protect patrons.

These are just some of the risks and hazards that individuals in Aventura can face. Aventura, Florida also has a very large elderly population relative to other neighborhoods and cities in Florida. 35% of its residents are 65 years of age or older. Older Americans are at a far greater risk of slip and fall accidents and serious injury when these accidents occur. According to the Centers for Disease Control, falls result in 3 million emergency department visits. Falls can also result in serious hip fractures, which can leave older Americans with serious disability or require a long recovery period. According to the CDC, 95% of hip fractures are the result of falls. When store owners or property owners fail to take steps to warn patrons or secure their floors and railings, older Americans can suffer serious injuries.

Older Americans aren’t the only ones at risk of falls. Younger Americans can suffer falls on the job, resulting in disability, time missed from work, and lost wages. Workplace injuries may be covered under workers’ compensation claims, but some workers are contractors or may be exempt. The injury lawyer in Aventura, Florida at Madalon Law can review your situation and help you understand your rights, whether that is appealing a denied workers’ compensation claim, making a workers’ compensation claim, or pursuing a lawsuit if you aren’t covered by workers’ comp. If you or someone you love was hurt in a slip and fall accident in Aventura, Florida, the injury lawyers at Madalon Law may be able to help you seek damages for your losses. Our accident lawyers can assist you with your claim, and fight insurance companies or negligent parties for your rights.

These are just some of the accidents that can occur in Aventura, Florida. If you or someone you love was hurt due to the negligence or neglect of another person or party, you may only have a limited time to make a claim under the law. The accident lawyers in Aventura, Florida at Madalon Law may be able to assist you with the next steps.

Aventura, Florida Car Accident Lawyer

The car accident lawyer in Aventura, Florida at Madalon Law may be able to help you if you’ve been hurt due to the actions of a negligent driver. When drivers get behind the wheel, they have a responsibility to obey the law, pay attention to the road, and refrain from drinking and driving. If a driver broke the law or failed to take due care, you and your family may be entitled to receive compensation for your losses or may have the right to make an insurance claim. Reach out to the Aventura, Florida car accident lawyer at Madalon Law to learn more about your rights and the next steps.