Wilton Manors is located in Broward County, bordered by Oakland Park to the north and Fort Lauderdale to the south-east. With Federal Highway US 1 to the east and Interstate 95 on its westernmost border – and popular bars, restaurants, and clubs – Wilton Manors is the site of quite a few Motorcycle accidents every year.

Because motorcycle riders do not have the protection of a strong metal frame, airbags, or seatbelts designed to protect drivers of four-wheeled vehicles, Motorcycle accidents end in fatality more often than any other kind of vehicle accident – and even when a crash involving a motorcycle is not deadly, it can be devastating. Those who survive a motorcycle accident may have severe injuries such as serious head trauma, debilitating neck, and spine injuries, or even loss of limbs. Medical expenses and loss of wages due to disability or time needed for rehabilitation can be exorbitant, and many motorcycle riders may not have adequate Personal Injury Insurance Protection to cover these losses.

Members of the skilled legal team at our Fort Lauderdale personal injury law firm recognize the particular challenges faced by motorcyclists in accident cases. Often, public opinion goes against motorcyclists, portraying them as unsafe drivers or reckless young men with a need for speed. We know that, in reality, the majority of accidents involving motorcycles are caused by negligent or distracted car and truck drivers. Automobile drivers who fail to use turn signals, change lanes illegally, text while driving, fail to check blind spots, or run red lights and stop signs can cause a collision and cause devastating injuries to motorcyclists.


Types of motorcycle accidents can include:

  • Head-On Collisions: Maybe veering or swerving into oncoming traffic lanes, attempting to beat oncoming traffic when making a left turn or motorist falling asleep at the wheel.
  • Broadside Accidents: Also referred to as a “T-Bone” accident, it is often deadly when a motorcycle is struck on the side.
  • Accidents involving impaired driver: Alcohol and/or drugs
  • Left turn motorcycle accidents: Left turn accidents account for more than 40% of motorcycle accidents
  • Motorcycle accidents at an intersection: Motorcycle accidents can happen for a number of reasons at an intersection, but it is often due to someone trying to catch the yellow light.


When a negligent or reckless driver has caused you or a loved one severe injury in a motorcycle accident, you need representation by a team of attorneys who are knowledgeable and passionate about getting justice and financial compensation for accident victims. At Madalon Law, our Wilton Manors motorcycle accident attorneys will do everything in our power to help you obtain full and reasonable compensation for all losses suffered in a collision, including medical expenses, rehabilitation costs, lost wages, pain and suffering, and even funeral expenses and lost future earnings if the accident caused the death of a loved one.

We invite you to schedule a free consultation with one of our Fort Lauderdale injury attorneys. Our firm takes cases on a contingency fee basis, meaning you have no fee unless we win your case and recover damages for you.