Premises Liability Lawyer Miami FL: All property owners whether private or public in Miami, FL have laws guiding the usage of such properties. The property owner has a responsibility to keep their premises/property 100% safe for authorized visitors or any who has a business within. Failure to keep their property secured might result in serious personal injury to any visitor/resident which will provide a good opportunity to claim payment from the insurance company or property owners. It’s sad to see many who are victims of premises injury in Miami, FL who choose to keep it to themselves – this is not the right thing to do.

This guide is to show you how our team of premises liability lawyers in Miami, FL can help you and also to tell you all you need to know about premises injury.

Causes of premises injury

You need the service of a premises liability attorney who specializes in your kind of situation in Miami, FL. We have vast experience in the following;

  • Any injury that occurred as a result of security insufficiency or if safety was not put
    Premises Liability Lawyer Miami FL

    Premises Liability Lawyer Miami FL

    in place.

  • Passersby/visitors falling into holes, elevated paths/stairs case due to the absence of barriers/safety measures to guard visitors.
  • Injuries occur by slipping or sliding as a result of the presence of ice on the floor or water.
  • Injuries were caused as a result of somebody’s criminal action which was supposed to have been well handled.
  • Being hit by a vehicle or falling objects because of poor safety measures.
  • Being attacked by a criminal on the premises when there should have been enough security measures.

Results of Personal/Premises Accidents

Injuries resulting from premises/personal accidents vary from broken bones, neck injuries, burns, electric shock, spinal cord injuries, broken hands, and legs, etc. Our premises liability attorney in Miami, FL gives considerable attention also to the emotional injury that might be very severe and takes time to heal up.

How Our Attorney Will Proof Your Case

Were you injured in premises belonging to another person whether public or private? It requires you to establish your case in a way to bring evidence forward so as to get compensation for your injury. Our premises liability lawyer, in Miami, FL will make sure they present the following evidence;

  • That the property owner has not done his duty of preventing injury on his property.
  • The owner is aware of the danger and risk the ‘condition’ might cause but chooses to ignore it.
  • How the said condition caused injuries to the victim.

We won’t stop there, as we will also go ahead to get witnesses to the event and medical reports showing the extent of the damage to the victim.

If you have had an injury due to the negligence of a particular property owner, you should get compensation for the injury. Why not contact our team of premises liability lawyers in Miami, FL to handle your case on your behalf while you observe? We have our track records speaking for us – you can check it yourself.

We offer free consultation services to make sure we serve you best.