The Western-themed town of Davie, FL in central Broward County has a population of over 90,000 residents. With numerous parks, an extensive public trail system, and many institutes of higher education all within its borders and the town’s close proximity to Ft. Lauderdale/Hollywood International Airport and Port Everglades, Davie is a bustling town with many public spaces and busy areas.

Slip and fall accidents can occur in any of these locations, or even on the private property of individuals. If someone sustains an injury due to hazardous and unsafe conditions on premises owned by a business, organization, or individual, they are likely to have a premises liability case and may be able to receive financial compensation for their injuries. The services of slip and fall accident attorneys can help determine the dangerous conditions that contributed to the injury, gather evidence, deal with insurance companies, and otherwise navigate the complex legalities in a premises liability case.


Slip and fall attorneys may be able to help you with your premises liability claim if you have been injured by someone else’s negligence. An attorney will conduct an investigation into the accident to determine the liability of the property owner according to Florida premises liability law so that you can pursue monetary recovery for your injuries. By securing witnesses and evidence as soon as possible, determining if prior slip and fall accidents were reported at the same location, hiring safety standards professionals to review the evidence for breached safety regulations, and dealing with all of the paperwork such as accident reports and insurance claims in a timely manner, a competent attorney can ensure that your case is solid and can be pursued before the statute of limitations expires.

If you have sustained an injury due to hazardous conditions on someone else’s property in Davie, FL, you should not be embarrassed – or feel guilty or intimidated – about trying to get financial compensation for your injuries and other losses. You should immediately speak with a lawyer about filing a claim to pay your medical bills, recover lost wages, and help you recover financially from the accident.


The Davie slip & fall accident attorneys of Madalon Law know the questions to ask, the evidence to preserve, and the legal paperwork required to prove liability in slip and fall accidents. We will help you prove that the property owner’s negligence created a hazardous condition that they knew or should have been aware of, failed to remedy the problem adequately and that the danger was not sufficiently indicated with signage or caution tape. Once liability has been determined, we will help you to receive every bit of compensation for the expenses you have incurred.

You will have questions after a slip and fall accident. Contact the Broward accident attorneys of Madalon Law for a free consultation with one of our slip and fall attorneys and let us answer them. We work on a contingency basis, so you will not pay a fee until we win your case and get you the compensation you deserve.