Margate, located in Broward County, is a growing area with over 53,000 residents at the last census. The Margate area offers plenty of places for shopping, dining, entertainment, and recreation. Lakewood Mall, Cocogate Plaza, Cypress Lakes Town Center, Coco Plaza, and Margate Village Square, among many others, are frequented by both local residents and seasonal visitors alike.

With so many locations to patronize, it is not uncommon for Slip and fall accidents to occur in the city of Margate. Slip and fall accidents occur when a person slips, trips, and/or falls as a result of hazardous conditions on a property. Wet floors, poorly lit access areas, uneven surfaces, obstructed walkways, and other conditions that are due to poor design, poor construction, or inadequate maintenance can cause people to slip and become injured or killed. If you or a loved one has suffered a Slip and fall accident recently, you should immediately contact Madalon Law and speak to a premises liability attorney to find out about your legal rights, and to obtain assistance in protecting those rights and getting compensation for your injuries from the negligent property owners.


Slip and fall accidents are the leading cause of occupational injury for people between the ages of 18 – 24 years old. For people the age of 65 or over, it is the second leading cause of fatal injuries. Some of the most common causes of slip and fall accidents include:

  • Loose floorboards
  • Staircases that are poorly constructed
  • Torn carpet
  • Cluttered Floors
  • Slippery floors (spills, recently waxed or mopped)
  • Areas that are not properly lit
  • Defective sidewalks


When you retain the services of a Slip and fall accident lawyer at Madalon Law, we will work to preserve the testimony of accident witnesses, gather evidence of the accident and of the hazardous conditions that caused it, prove the property owner’s knowledge of the dangerous condition, and document your injuries to maximize your recovery for damages. It is important to pursue legal action as quickly as possible because Florida law limits the amount of time between an accident and filing a claim against a property owner.

At Madalon Law, we are determined to obtain justice and compensation for the pain and suffering and financial losses that you have endured due to the accident. We can get compensation for unpaid medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering, scarring, disfigurement, and disability due to a property owner’s negligence – or funeral expenses and lost future wages in the case of the death of a family member.

When you contact Madalon Law for a free consultation with one of our experienced and knowledgeable premises liability attorneys, we will review your accident, address your concerns and answer your questions – and if we can help, we will pay the cost of your case; you pay us only after we win damages for you. Our Broward accident attorneys are located in Fort Lauderdale and fight for the rights of the injured throughout the State of Florida.