North Lauderdale, located in north-central Broward County, has a population of over 42,000. The city, with an area of just 4.6 square miles, is bordered by Margate, Coral Springs, Tamarac, Pompano Beach, and Fort Lauderdale. Centrally located in such a populated area of South Florida, North Lauderdale has many major thoroughfares passing through and around the city, increasing the likelihood of major Truck accidents occurring within city limits.

Averaging between 250 and 300 traffic fatalities each year, Florida is one of the deadliest states in the U.S. for big-rig Truck accidents. Large tractor-trailer combinations (semis) are involved in – or the cause of – over 60 percent of fatal traffic collisions. In fact, in Florida, negligent drivers of large trucks have been shown to be 10 times more likely to cause a traffic collision than weather, bad road conditions, and vehicle malfunctions together.


Most serious Truck accidents are the result of negligence – of either the truck driver or the trucking company. If it can be proven that an accident was caused by negligence of any kind, victims of the accident can obtain financial compensation for their injuries (or the loss of loved ones in fatality accidents). There are many types of negligent behavior that could result in a deadly Truck accident, including:

  • Driving under the influence of alcohol or narcotics
  • Speeding, aggressive driving, and failing to respond to hazardous road conditions
  • Driver distractions such as cell phones, GPS, and small television sets
  • Running traffic lights and failing to heed traffic signs
  • Improper truck maintenance
  • Improper hiring practices putting inexperienced or ailing drivers behind the wheel
  • Driver fatigue
  • Improperly secured loads


Our Attorneys will fully investigate the details of the accident and will pursue fair compensation from the responsible parties. Our objective is to ensure that victims of serious truck accidents and their families can realize financial stability in the aftermath of devastating injuries or wrongful death.

Our Lawyers will investigate your claims without delay. Our team will help to gather evidence and witness statements, obtain police reports and driver logs from the trucking company, and consult with accident reconstruction specialists and traffic flow experts to determine the factors contributing to the crash.


We understand the most important thing after an accident is the health and physical condition of all involved. There will be police reports filled out about the accident, a possible hospital visit and the insurance companies on the phone. In addition to all of this, you need to contact a law firm that is familiar with these types of accidents and can explain the options you have and steps that are needed if you wish to seek compensation for your injuries or the injuries of a loved one. If you or a family member has been injured – or a loved one has been killed – in a truck accident in Florida, the Fort Lauderdale accident attorneys of Madalon Law can help.  Contact us for a free case review.